Re: new help browser

On Wed, 31 May 2000 21:05:09 Chris Lyttle wrote:

On Wed, 31 May 2000 09:15:09 Dan Mueth wrote:
> On Wed, 31 May 2000, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> > What I'd like to see instead is something which relies very much on
> > what I saw of Nautilus being demonstrated at GUADEC. Like most file
> > managers, it looks like this:
> > 
> > (Beware! ASCII art!)
> > 
> >         |----------------------------| (titlebar,
> >         |----------------------------| okay? :))
> >         |        |      lots of      |
> >         |  tree  |      icons/text   |
> >         |  view  |      here         |      
> >         |        |                   |
> >         ------------------------------
> If we were to follow M$'s help browser, the Navigation pane would have
> three tabs: Contents (a heirarchical tree view of documents sorted by
> topic), Index (first-letters alphabetical browse through the index), and
> Search.  (paraphrasing the names)  This is a pretty good layout, but
> we don't have to copy their layout if we can come up with a better one.
> I really like Telsa's idea of adding a glossary as another tab in the
> navigation pane.
> [snip]
You know I actually think that a system like the tabs in mozilla would work
better. It has the same basic layout as above and search, etc tabs but also
customizeable "bookmarks" and the tabs slide up and down to reveal themselves.
This would allow people to add their own personalized tabs or if they want just
the default searches & indexes. This would also mean that we could use more
types of indexes with less space on the screen.


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