Re: First draft of gtop doc..

Judith Samson <> writes:

> I really need someone to read through and check my facts, since
> > I discovered how much I didn't know about memory and filesystems
> > and processes whilst writing this. I think it's right, but... :)
> > I have found that some terms mean slightly different things on
> > different flavours of Unix. Anyone who can spot a Linuxism creeping
> > in as "for all versions" when it isn't, please do! Someone who
> > can check my use of Docbook would be good, too :)
> > 
> Same problem here. I've got stuff (almost) done, but I'm not sure if it
> is correct. We should probably post docs on the Web somewhere and ask
> for feedback before we release them, warts and all.

Please send the docs to me and I will check the DocBook and send them
back to you with notes on what you are getting right and what is
wrong. Once we get it all cleaned up and everyone is happy we can get
them somewhere useful.




          David Mason
        Red Hat AD Labs

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