First draft of gtop doc..

Some time ago I foolishly volunteered myself to document gtop.
I now have a mostly-finished first draft.

It's in Docbook. Well, what I fondly imagine to be Docbook although
I suspect I have made all manner of inappropriate bits of markup. I
just took a bunch of Gnome docs, copied them, deleted all the text
and filled in the blanks. Ahem. It goes through db2html and db2ps
fine; I haven't tried the other things. 

I really need someone to read through and check my facts, since
I discovered how much I didn't know about memory and filesystems 
and processes whilst writing this. I think it's right, but... :)
I have found that some terms mean slightly different things on 
different flavours of Unix. Anyone who can spot a Linuxism creeping
in as "for all versions" when it isn't, please do! Someone who
can check my use of Docbook would be good, too :)

(a) What do I do with it? Check it, errors and all, into CVS?
(Wince.) Throw it at the gtop authors? (Hello, cc'd gtop authors :))
Stick the HTMLified version somewhere for people to look at? 
Put (a tar.gz of?) the .sgml file somewhere for people to grab?
(The .sgml file is about 64k.) What format do people want? I only
have a little modem, but I can put the HTML version up if that's

(b) I thought screenshots would make some parts clearer. I can't
get them in. Am I missing something, or will Docbook only accept
gifs? Gnome's a GNU-y program, I thought, and GNU isn't keen on
gifs. What should I do about that? Turn 'em into gifs anyway, or
is there some other format I should know about that will work?
I don't really know much about graphics formats. At the moment,
I've removed the references to screenshots.


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