Re: gnome-core 1.2

On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 12:29:26PM -0500 or thereabouts, David C. Mason wrote:
> > 3) someone makes sure nothing has changed with the menu editor (doubt it
> has)
> telsa says there have been changes - no volunteers yet

Well, I'd offer if I actually knew what some of the damn options did.
Also, I must upgrade, as I reported bugs from 1.1.2 and since the
bug has been closed, I assume they've been fixed (The panel now says
'programs' and 'favourites' (okay, 'favorites') but in 1.1.2, the
menu editor retained 'system' and 'user'.)

I have to upgrade to know whether the next bunch of bugs I was about
to report from it have gone away in the process :) In the meantime,
if anyone can explain to me the function of the options in the
'advanced' tab of the dialogue for adding new menu options, I would
be very interested to know. I somehow doubt that what's currently
being displayed on my copy is actually what's intended.

If I knew what the 'advanced' tab options did, I could probably
at least update the documentation from the old user guide.


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