Re: <address> tag

Kevin Breit <> writes:

> Okay, I haven't been following this conversation too much, nor do I
> know the technical side of SGML at all.  But I am not sure how happy
> I am about having to load up Gecko for CSS in documentation.  I know
> that Gecko is very fast.  Butthe load time doesn't exactlly reflect
> it.  I get 5 second load times on Gecko itself and about 10 in
> Nautilus (it will get faster in Naut I assume).  I guess what I am
> saying is that I'm not too happy about having to use Gecko in docs.
> Is there ways to only load the portion needed for a fast load?

OK - I'm not sure how you can say you know it is fast, but it has a
slow load time... but gecko itself is really quite speedy. Especially
in the nightly preM18 builds. The technology in question is the
gtk-mozilla widget (libgtkembedmoz) and it is quite speedy on my end,
even with CSS (and by that I mean way less than your times, especially
for local documents which is how most of this will be done
anyway). How exactly are you measuring your display times?

The only drawback I can see is watching the progress of the conversion
from SGML to display in the browser (be it HTML, HTML + CSS, or XML +
CSS). We could run into problems if the conversion slows us down - but
using the gtk-mozilla widget should not be a problem at all.


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