Architectural Forms (Re: chapters)

Karl Eichwalder <> writes:

> Do Architectural Form Processing first and it flies.  In short this
> means you've to "map":

Here's how these "mapping" magic essentially works (I'm using SYSTEM
identifiers since I've problems to make it work with PUBLIC
identifiers).  The document (of course, the definitions can go in an
_external_ DTD and you've to define the additional attributes for sect2,
setc3, etc., too!):

<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
<?IS10744 ArcBase article>
<!NOTATION article SYSTEM "/usr/share/sgml/docbk41/docbook.dtd">
<?IS10744:arch name="article"
  ArcDTD CDATA #FIXED "gnomedtd">
<!ENTITY gnomedtd PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" CDATA SGML>

<!ENTITY %        "article NMTOKEN #FIXED 'article'">
<!ENTITY % local.bookinfo.attrib    "article NMTOKEN #FIXED 'articleinfo'">
<!ENTITY % local.chapter.attrib     " -- Id ID #REQUIRED --
                                     article NMTOKEN #FIXED 'sect1'">
<!ENTITY % local.chapterinfo.attrib "article NMTOKEN #FIXED 'sect1info'">
<!ENTITY % local.sect1.attrib       " -- Id ID #REQUIRED --
                                     article NMTOKEN #FIXED 'sect2'">
 <chapter id="c">

  <sect1 id="k1">
   <para>This section is okay.</para>

  <sect1 id="k2">
   <para>Here the ID was missing ;-)</para>



-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- cut here -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Run the following command on it:

sx -xlower -Aarticle document.sgml | tidy -xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <sect1 id="c">



    <sect2 id="k1">

      <para>This section is okay.</para>

    <sect2 id="k2">

      <para>Here the ID was missing ;-)</para>

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- cut here -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

You can do much more with this technique.

work :                          |          ------    ,__o
     :             |         ------   _-\_<,
home :                     |        ------   (*)/'(*)

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