Re: [Fwd: documentation/manual for GEdit]


Thanks for volunteering.  I think this is a great idea.  I added you as
the author on the DocTable at

To get started, I would look at a few of the recent documents in
gnome-applets to get a feeling for things(see below for instructions if
you don't know how).  Grab the application template
(gnome-app-template.sgml) from to
start with.

If you have the time and energy, you may consider preparing something for
GNOME 1.2.  You could start by moving the original(very brief)
documentation that comes with gedit into the template and adding a
screenshot or two.  This shouldn't be too hard and would make the
documentation a lot more attractive looking and consistant in appearance
with the other documentation we have been working on.  GNOME 1.2 should be
out around the end of the month (roughly).

For now, I would send any documentation(with screenshots) to Chema to put
into CVS. 

Feel free to ask any questions on gnome-doc-list or #docs.


PS: If you want to get the latest gnome-applets out of CVS, do:
1) bash
2) export CVSROOT=''
3) cvs login
   -hit <return> at password
4) cvs -z3 checkout gnome-applets
5) cd gnome-applets
6) su
7) ./ --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && make && make install


On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Dan White wrote:

> Hi Chema and gnome-doc,
> I've been looking for some way to contribute to gnome and would like to take
> on this task if no one else has plans for it. I've been quietly observing
> the list for a few weeks now and feel that I have some understanding of what
> this would entail. I've also dabbled with docbook a bit but don't have much
> experience with technical writing.
> Please let me know what you all think, or if this isn't an appropriate
> project for a first timer...
> Thanks!
> - Dan White
> Chema Celorio wrote:
> > Hi guys.
> >         We have been working on improving the text editor gedit in the
> > recent month, we should be releasing version 0.7.0 this week. The
> > problem
> > is that the current gedit documentation is REALLY bad and I was hopping
> > ( maybe is more like begging ) that you guys will be able to help us
> > with
> > some good docs and hopefully we might be able to ship them with
> > April Gnome. We might be able to do a trimmed down or a simple version
> > since I guess you are all very busy because of AprilG.
> >
> > Keep up the good work.
> > and thank you very much.
> > Chema
> >

Daniel M. Mueth
James Franck Institute          phone: (773) 702-6075
The University of Chicago       fax:   (413) 826-2952
5640 South Ellis Avenue         lab:   (773) 702-7204
Chicago, IL 60637               email:

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