GtkSourceView 2: how to define a style on the fly?


I have a dumb question related to defining new styles in GtkSourceView 2. The Language Definition reference says for the "style" tag:

map-to (optional) [...]When omitted the style is not considered derived from any style and will be not highlighted until the user specifies a color scheme for this style.</quote>

Well, how can I map the style in my application? As an example, I define a lang file which contains the statement

<style id="my-style" _name="My special style">

which is used for a "content" in the lang file, and in the application this lang file is assigned to the buffer using gtk_source_buffer_set_language().

How can I access this style in the application to set the properties e.g. from user prefs? It is not accessible through the GtkSourceStyleScheme returned from the buffer. What did I miss here?

Any help is welcome!

Cheers, Albrecht.

Albrecht Dreß - Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13 - D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  mailto:albrecht dress arcor de
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