Re: Anjuta2 -- problem importing Anjuta project files

On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 17:55, John Palmieri wrote:
> Hehe, well it is a major bug for me because it consistantly does not
> load my project though it does load Anjuta2 and gnome_build most of the
> time.  I've tracked down the problem to the "spawn_script" function in
> /gnome-build/src/backends/libgbf_am/gbf-am-project.c file.  It seems
> like it is not getting the output correctly from the script
> (data->output.length==0).  I can run gbf-am-parse -d --get
> /home/quinticent/Projects/project1 on the command line and it returns
> XML output that looks correct.  I'm going to keep hacking at it but I
> don't know how much futher I can get.  Perhaps this will help someone
> who is more familiar with the script spawning code and piped input.

Perhaps Gustavo can jump in and respond. He's the primary contributor of
the gbf-am-parse script and the spawn_script code.

Thanks for helping out btw! :)


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