Re: Anjuta2 -- problem importing Anjuta project files


On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 13:08, Jeroen Zwartepoorte wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 17:55, John Palmieri wrote:
> > Hehe, well it is a major bug for me because it consistantly does not
> > load my project though it does load Anjuta2 and gnome_build most of the
> > time.  I've tracked down the problem to the "spawn_script" function in
> > /gnome-build/src/backends/libgbf_am/gbf-am-project.c file.  It seems
> > like it is not getting the output correctly from the script
> > (data->output.length==0).  I can run gbf-am-parse -d --get
> > /home/quinticent/Projects/project1 on the command line and it returns
> > XML output that looks correct.  I'm going to keep hacking at it but I
> > don't know how much futher I can get.  Perhaps this will help someone
> > who is more familiar with the script spawning code and piped input.
> Perhaps Gustavo can jump in and respond. He's the primary contributor of
> the gbf-am-parse script and the spawn_script code.

Sorry for not replying before, but I've been busy with university work.

Could you both John and Jeroen try the attached patch to see if the
problem is solved.  I have an idea of what could be causing the bug: if
the machine is fast enough, maybe the script exits and the inner main
loop which controls the pipes quits before data can be actually read.  I
can't reproduce the problem here... probably because I'm on a k6-400 ;-)

Please let me know if this works or not.


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