Re: Building and running gIDE

On 19 Aug 2001 10:37:57 -0400, Ed Snible wrote:
> Gustavo-
> You were correct, I had no plug-ins.  I also had no oaf.  I got oaf from 
> CVS but it requires more things from CVS including pkg-config (which may 
> not even be there, I installed a version from
> I'd like to work with the latest unstable gIDE and gnome-debug and let 
> Redcarpet handle the administration of the rest of my system.  Is this 
> possible?  I don't mind installing a few GNOME 2.0 things like OAF but 
> I'm far to timid to replace all of GNOME with whatever happens to be in CVS.
> Any advice appreciated.

OAF is not a GNOME 2.0 thing (it's not even going to be called that
(gonna be named bonobo-activation)). If you've installed nautilus, you
SHOULD also have OAF installed (since nautilus requires oaf).

On my system (redhat 7.1), i only needed to checkout gdl, gnome-debug,
gnome-build and gIDE from cvs. The rest is done via red-carpet.

Hope this helps,


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