Re: [Gnome-devtools] devtools website

Martijn van Beers <martijn earthling net> writes:

> On Sun, Sep 03, 2000 at 02:00:27PM -0400, Mark wrote:
> > The other focus of the site I think, would be to show what tools are
> > currently availible, and which are in development. Perhaps the gnome
> > software map covers the currently availible pretty well, and maybe we
> > should just link to that site. However, I think we should also show
> > where we are going with future developments.
> I don't think this is a good idea. At least for my own projects, I
> want to have something to show for before there is any webpage
> at all about it. Having them known at this point really doesn't
> help any, since they aren't in a state where people can help
> all that much.

I tend to agree with having code before a website.  However I think
we're asked what our plans are (on irc) often enough that a website to
point to would be helpful.

Additionally, some parts of the framework are far enough that
contributions are welcome and a site is appropriate.  For example, I
know that my gnome-debug stuff is pretty much ready for people to bang
on and add to, and I bet the gIDE people could find stuff for an
aspiring hacker to work on.  Not all of the projects are at this
stage, but some certainly are.  And even for the embryonic projects, a
mention on the page might help avoid some duplication of effort.

I think some sort of webpage is a good idea, if only to save me
explaining everything we're doing another few times on irc :)


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