Re: [gnome-db] possible bug on oracle sql parsing

Il giorno mar 22 gen 2013 21:35:21 CET, Vivien Malerba ha scritto:
On 22 January 2013 10:22, Vivien Malerba <vmalerba gmail com> wrote:
On 22 January 2013 09:29, Andrea Zagli <azagli libero it> wrote:

Il giorno mer 09 gen 2013 21:50:57 CET, Vivien Malerba ha scritto:


I suggest you use a more recent version of Libgda.

what files of branch 5.x could i copy to solve this problem?

I'll locate the changes from Git and tell you tonight (UTC).

I checked with libgda 4.2 branch from git and there is no problem, the
output is exactely the same as the master branch. Can you check  with the
test case code I've sent you?

yes, the test works... but if i exec the same query inside gda-browser (connected to oracle) the result is
Really PREPARED: SELECT p.pr_cod_prat, p.pr_prat_num1, p.pr_prat_num2,  
p.pr_prat_num3, p.pr_dat_fin, pr.gi_num_provv2, pr.gi_dat_ini,  
COALESCE (p.pr_prat_desc || '\n', '') || COALESCE (n.pr_prat_note1,  
'') || COALESCE (n.pr_prat_note2, '') || COALESCE (n.pr_prat_note3,  
'') || COALESCE (n.pr_prat_note4, '') AS note, s.gi_dat_ini AS  
data_vendita, r.gi_dat_sca FROM m1_tabpr_prat p LEFT JOIN gi_tab_stopr  
s ON (p.pr_cod_prat = s.pr_prat_succ)  LEFT JOIN m1_tabpr_note n ON  
(p.pr_cod_prat = n.pr_cod_prat)  LEFT JOIN gi_tab_provv pr ON  
(p.pr_cod_prat = pr.pr_cod_prat)  LEFT JOIN gi_tab_provril r ON  
(pr.gi_num_provv1 = r.gi_num_provv1 AND pr.gi_num_provv2 =  
r.gi_num_provv2 AND pr.gi_num_provv3 = r.gi_num_provv3)  WHERE  
p.pr_prat_num1 IN ('AMB', 'IAMB') AND s.pr_cod_prat IS NULL AND  
pr.gi_num_provv1 = 'AUTAM' OR pr.gi_seq_provv IS NULL ORDER BY  
p.pr_prat_num3 ASC, p.pr_prat_num2 ASC

PS: could the "really prepared" output be optional?

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