2008/9/23 paragasu
<paragasu gmail com>
> gda_value_stringify(value)
assume that i know, the value return is string, then i can simply use
this function so i can print
(GValue to gchar) the string. but there is no function to conver
GValue to gint or gfloat..
Yes, there are
the only function i can think of is gda_value_numeric but it doesn't do that.
so assume that i know, that i have a double datatypes inside my table
column, how i can get
the value and assign it in a gdouble variable ?
mydouble = g_value_get_double (value);
for example, if gchar,
i can simply
gchar *str;
str = gda_value_stringfy ();
The gda_value_stringify() works for GValue of any type.