Re: [gnome-db] loading plugin for gnome db grid fail for linked widget

2008/9/23 paragasu <paragasu gmail com>
using the gda_parameter_list_find_param (data_set, "photo") working if
i do not link it with
the grid. on my app, user have to select row in the grid then the
selected row details will be displayed on the form.

if i simply use the form without binding param from the grid, the
photo displayed correctly.
but if linked to the grid. it doesn't, so what i try to do next is
trying to load the plugin after
the user select the row using the signal "selection-changed" which is
a bad fix for me. but
so far it still doesn't work (i got segmentation error. LOL)...

i am still looking for a way to make it work.i really appreciate if
anyone know the solutions..

You can have a look at the
code which is a widget which implements the dual view (form+grid).

I'm afraid I don't have much time to go into the V3's code anymore as it will soon become obsolete, but if you send me a standalone program which shows the bug in action, I can try to help you.


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