Re: [gnome-db] prepare_create_database() and perform_create_database()

On 11/18/06, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
On Sat, 2006-11-18 at 16:09 +0100, Vivien Malerba wrote:
> > Thanks. Although the provider name must not now be provided twice, I
> > still hope that prepare_create_database() could take the new database
> > name explicitly as a parameter.
> The name of the database to create, even if it's mandatory is just a
> named parameter among th other required parameters, so even if it was
> passed as a function argument, you'd still have to set the other names
> parameters "manually".

But this parameter is _always_ needed, regardless of the provider, so we
can make it
a) obvious that it's always needed.
b) easier to provide.

Maybe there are other parameters that are always needed.

It's the only one which is always needed, but I can change the API to
put the DB name in the parameters of the function.

> > Also, it would be nice if the documentation for these methods stated
> > whether it is necessary to first open a connection. I don't see how it
> > could create a database without knowing the other connection details,
> > such as hostname.
> As far as I know, no opened connection is ever required to perform a
> create db or drop db. When applicable (that is when there is a distant
> server) the information to connect to the server are among the
> required named parameters in the GdaServerOperation object.

OK. It would be nice if we could provide those connection details as
parameters, because they are always needed, but I guess there are too
many ways to specify that.

Yes, there is not one common way to specify connection parameters.

These "always needed" parameters should really be mentioned in the
documentation. There should be no need to dynamically discover what is
always needed.

It's possible to update the documentation, but it will the be provider-specific.

As a side note, trying to set a value to a non existing named
parameter in a GdaServerOperation yields to nothing, so it is possible
to try to set named parameters even if you don't know they can be set.

For example you can set
GdaServerOperation for a postgres provider even though
/SERVER_CNX_P/UNIX_SOCKET  is not a parameter for postgres, and so use
the same code for either a postgres or a mysql database.


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