Re: [gnome-db] Two questions

2006/11/7, Diego Zuccato <diego otello alma unibo it>:
Daniel Espinosa ha scritto:
>> 1) Could GDA handle asynchronous events (notifies) from backends that
>> make 'em available (Postgres for sure, don't know others)? If yes, HOW?
> If you mean a "signal" like, when for example: a DataModel has
> changed, it is implement as signal in the GObject system; then you
> just need to attach a function to be called when the signal is
> emmited.
No. I needed to know if a Gtk signal is generated when a "notify" query
runs in PG. This way many clients can synchronize without having to use
other network connections (maybe the query could be "notify
invalidate_cache" fired by a trigger on update, so that all connected
clients know that their cached data could be invalid).

>> 2) I have troubles designing interfaces with newer glade-2 and glade-3.
>> I can't find gnome-db section. Do I need some "special" package or
>> procedure? (I'm using Mandriva Cooker, updated at least 3 times a week).
> For the moment you can't use Glade2. For Glade3 I have summited code
> to implement the catalog, and it is working but I was uneable to
> compile in the GnomeDB source code automaticaly when you call "make",
What's the problem?

I don't know; I'm unable to compile the code automaticaly, I ask to
the gtk-devel-list but I haven't recived a sugestion; hope to have
time to test it using the lastest code 1.99.1 or new.

> I made it manualy and it works!
> With it you'll see the GnomeDB section and can create GUI's.
Tks, but then I think I'll have to wait for the rpm. I don't want to
mess too much with libraries: updating so often would become a mess.


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