Re: [gnome-db] Little API problems

On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 02:15 +0100, Chris Silles wrote:
> > Thanks, but isn't that an incredibly complicated way to create a
> > database?
> Hi Murray,
> Indeed, it does seem rather complicated.. However in the circumstances, it 
> seems like the best available option.

Maybe there's some previous discussion that you could point me to. It
looks like someone thought about this a lot at some point.

But is there, for instance, any database provider for which the database
name should not be specified in order to create a new database.? If it's
always needed then it should be a regular parameter. If something is
needed 90% of the time then it should be a regular parameter that can be
null. Let's try to keep the common cases easy while allowing the
uncommon cases.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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