Re: [gnome-db] Congratulations to you all -> PostgreSQL 7.3 questions

Le Vendredi 13 Décembre 2002 09:44, Vivien Malerba a écrit :
> The first thing you could focus on is define :
> - what the functions editor will allow the user to do,

Create, alter, drop a function. Several languages should be supported 
(PLpgSQL, SQL, PLPython, etc...). A function can have several different 
arguments : function (a, b) is not the same as function (a, b, c). Last time 
I read libgda, functions were only represented by their name, not arguments 
(this was a long time ago, I may be wrong).

> - in which way it is generic for other DBMS (I know Oracle does also
>   support it) and define optional features for each DBMS

We can get support from Oracle users.

> - using glade, propose a GUI for the functions editor (for example we
>   could add a page in the main mergeant window to show user defined
>   functions and from there the user could open a dialog window to edit
>   or create new functions).

This seems fair enough. This might take a while (> 1 week) as I am a beginner 
with GTK+ and Glade. Will have a try a get back to you. For the GUI part, we 
can take a look at pgAdmin2 and create the forms in Glade2. Maybe I can start 
with this part of the job.

Best regards,

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