Re: report IDL

> well, Margus, we're  going to nominate you as the official GNOME-DB
> diagramist!

It's an honour, I'll keep reading docs and working something out
on the GDA lower level as well.

> > The GDA_Content_Type and the union seem a bit
> > messy.
> >
> anybody else thinks so?

I mean drawing union data structure is messy and I had it solved
by only having a subset of what was actually in the IDL. I checked
about idl and dia files from the OAF project figuring out that 
union-structures are not shown on their diagram at all...

The other thing I wanted to ask is about caching in general -
can caching of unite query data be done on GDA level (abstraction 
layer above providers) and are the programmers able to have some 
control over caching behaviour thereby through some kind of IDL
The example scenario I have in mind would include a client supplying
several templates and a query to report layer which then applies
an ID to the query and after retrieving data lets GDA level store it 
in the query cache with the ID as well. When populating another template
with data, the report layer just asks GDA level cache object a recordset
that has previously been given the ID. This would add general query-
related caching ability to various upper level interfaces besides
Report one. Maybe the cached query data should be kept using not-yet-
functioning Gda_XmlDatabase?

Might be just a bit of a dream...


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