Re: Could not open CORBA factory

Doug Olson wrote:
> I am trying to connect to a MySQL database.  I have configured the
> datasource using GDA Manager, and am trying to connect with gda-fe, but
> I'm running into problems.  I can connect using the mysql tool with the
> following options:
>         mysql --user=acns acns
> However, when I try to connect using gda-fe, I get the following error:
> >From the Error Viewer
>   Could not open CORBA factory
> Source: [GDA Client Library]
> I have installed Gnome-DB 0.0.96
> gdalib looks like this:
> [Datasources]
> [ACNS]
> Provider=gda-mysql
> Description=ACNS Database
> Username=acns
> Configurator=
> Any ideas what causes this sort of error?  I looked through the mail
> list archives and saw one other mention of it, in that instance someone
> replied:
there are some possible reasons. First, did you compile the MySQL
provider (--with-mysql=/dir/to/mysql in configure)? or did you install
the gnome-db-mysql RPM or deb?
if not, you must do it to add support for MySQL. if you don't specify
the --with-mysql flag, the MySQL provider is not compiled.

If the gda-mysql-srv binary is in your path, the problem can be that the
gnome_db.gnorba file has not been installed in the correct place, which
usually is /etc/CORBA/servers. This can happen if you installed from
sources and have GNOME installed in a non-standard place.

The gdalib file you send is ok, so this is not the problem.

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