Hi Ace!

[I forward the message to the mailing list so that the other people
involved are informed]

> Hello,
> I notice an important TODO item in 0.0.96:
> * allow recordsets to be modified
> I am interested in helping with this, because gnome-db
> appears to be a very useful tool that has a lot of potential.
> Are there any pointers you can give or ideas which have already
> been discussed about the best way to do this, or is there already
> work going into this?  Either way, I am eager to help in this respect
> as I have a project which would be perfect for using gnome-db, but
> I am in need of using the tools to do database updates.  Please
> let me know how I can help.
Right now, the only thing about this which is implemented are the method
definitions in the IDL files.

About how to do it, I myself don't have a clear idea on how to do it in
a portable way, so let's discuss about it. The only thing I can think of
is to have the providers store a row identifier (ROWID in oracle, oid in
postgres...), and when a field is updated, to do it through this
identifier. BUT, some RDBMS don't support this!

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