Sybase provider (Re: Could not open CORBA factory)


> Is the same true for MySQL?  I dug around through the documentation I
> could find and didn't find much relating to this.  Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.

As far as i know the MySQL Provider should just work fine, it is even
packagable for debian now. I had some linking problems with gnome-db
0.0.96, gda-postgres-svr and oaf, resulting in the same error message
after connecting. Make clean and recompilation and reinstallation
(including ldconfig ;-) fixed it.
Perhaps you note anything you do and find useful on this compilation task
to look deeper at this problem.

BTW: How far has the gda-sybase provider come? I had a glance at the
sources yet, noticing that the open client library is used.

I have no clue about that library at all, but Sybase ASE 11.9.2 ships
with .so dynamically linked (e.g. or linked against anything
else but tcl. If tcl is needed for some reason, it would require
some modifications to compile on debian machines, though. I.e.: Make
provider link against instead of if e.g. 
/etc/debian-release exists.
Well, other solution would be to tell any debian user to make a symlink. :-)


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Unfortunately we have run out of bits/bytes/whatever. Don't worry, the next supply will be coming next week.

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