Re: GNU Enterprise

At 03:51 PM 7/8/00, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
>Christopher Wiegand wrote:
> > When this happens, what at that point will still be Gnome-dependant, other
> > than the graphical widgets?
> >
>Apart from the widgets, all the bonobo part will be GNOME-dependant (of
>course, until bonobo is somewhat ported to other toolkits). And,
>although the bonobo part is quite small today, it will be extended
>everywhere, since we must make gnome-db fully compatible with all the
>gnome-office applications.

Between oaf, bonobo, and orbit, I keep getting confused. I know what ORBit 
does, basically, it's a CORBA implementation (that's similar vaguely to 
DCOM/COM, right?) So what does oaf or bonobo do, then? And if Gnu 
Enterprise is going to depend on our db-api, and they need it be portable 
to non-Gnome environments, how are we going to do that (or is there a 
project to port bonobo to non-GTK environments)?

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