[gnome-cyr] [Bug 15194] Changed - koi8-r encoding: incorrectly shown with some fonts

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Changed by kirillov math sunysb edu 


--- shadow/15194	Tue Nov 13 17:52:56 2001
+++ shadow/15194.tmp.22322	Tue Dec 11 16:13:41 2001
@@ -50,6 +50,32 @@
 It may be related to the fact that when you request font 
 what you actually get is the font 
 koi8-ub is an encoding that contains glyphs from koi8-r, koi8-u, and then
 some; it is aliased to koi8-r. Still I can't see how it can be  a problem :)
+------- Additional Comments From kirillov math sunysb edu  2001-12-11 16:13 -------
+More info: selecting font
+-monotype-courier new-medium-r-normal-*-20-*-*-*-m-*-koi8-r
+does show Cyrillic correctly but breaks display of iso8859-1
+characters with codes >127, e.g. accented French letters - they are
+shown as underscores _  
+ I tried to fix it by manually editing  ~/.gnome/gtkhtml and putting 
+font_fixed=-monotype-courier new-medium-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-m-*-*-*
+(note * for encoding - instead of koi8-r).  Then iso8859-1 shows
+correctly but Cyrillic is not: it shows as nonsense  like 
+? 25@:0
+In short, I couldn't find a font setting which would allow me to see
+both iso8859-1 *and* koi8-r without need to change the font. It is
+quite frustrating, given that I do have a number of True Type fonts
+installed that have both Cyrillic and iso8859-1 glyphs (e.g.,
+monotype-courier new). 
+PS. The bug is still there in Evolution 1.0

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