Re: [gnome-cy] Glossary etc

On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 04:05:56PM +0000, Chris M. Jackson wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> > There are more changes now, after Gareth and Chris went through it
> > at the weekend. It's 140kb, so I am tempted to post a gzip'd version
> > to the list. Can everyone on the list handle that sort of attachment?
> > 
> > Or there's a 16kb diff -u :) 
> For those of us who have mislaid their copies of the glossary file? :o)
> 140k isn't a problem for me.  It's not likely to push me over my quota.
> Being able to rack up 155Mbit sort of places quota above connection speed
> on my list of worries :)

Either is fine for me.

> >   * Changed: 
> > 
> >   Recursion: from dychweliad to ymddychweliad
> Yay!  We invented a word!

You did? I couldn't tell :).

> >   * Stuff we decided to ask here.
> >     - Discard: rhoi heibio, or gwaredu? 
> As discussed today, "gwaredu" seems to be the word of choice for trashing
> stuff...

Yes, "rhoi heibio" is more of "put away" rather than "throw away".

> >     - Margins: ffiniau or ymylon? (actually, I decided that, because I
> >       just found ymyl in termiadur today :)) 
> Go Telsa! :)

I used ymylon for "edge", as in "Panel Ymylon" - "Edge Panel".

> >     - zero: dim or sero?
> Sero tends to be the preference for mathematical purposes.  Even if it was
> my fault for putting dim in the first place (Note to self: Translating at
> 9am is not good for me)

If it's numeric in nature, "sero", definitely. If it's something like
"There are zero froobyuts left on your system", then "dim" would be
appropriate (just as you could relace "zero" with "no" in the original

> >     - GUI: RhGD, or leave untranslated? 
> If I'd have spotted this one, I'd have suggested towing the line. Should
> other languages translate it, then follow suit.  Should they leave it as
> GUI, then leave it.

Yes. I suspect this might apply to other terms, too.

> >     - picsfap for pixmap?
> Bitmap went to didfap, so an analogous translation for "pixel" would be
> your starter.

I think "pixmap" has been translated as "map picseli" previously. I like
"picsfap" better.

> >     - If public key is allwedd gyhoeddus, is there something for private?
> Preifat?

How about "Cyfrinachol"?

> >   * Other notes:
> > 
> >     - Someone queried "gwrthdaro" for "crash".
> Gwrthdrawiad implies collision of the sort that physicists on ideal
> frictionless planes keep talking about.  Regret to announce that "crasio"
> was the weapon of choice at our school.

Yes, "gwrthdaro" is two objects striking each other, whereas something
can crash all by itself. "Cwympo"? Wow, good guess, that's actually in a


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