Re: Cannot initialise gnome-contacts-3.10.2

On Fri, 2014-06-20 at 07:44 +0000, John Frankish wrote:
That’s exactly what I needed, thanks. I’ve filed a bug and added a patch here
which should solve the crash:

However, it doesn’t solve the problem of why your EDS local address book
isn’t being found by libfolks. Do you have the folks-inspect utility installed? If
so, could you please run:

    backends eds

And send through the output. If there is any private data in there which you
don’t want to share, please e-mail me personally and avoid the list.
Feel free to remove the persona-specific information — I only need the
information about persona stores (specifically, which ones are available in
the EDS backend).


The patch fails to apply to gnome-contacts-3.10.1 so I applied it manually, but then "make" fails with the 
errors pasted below - I've verified that without the patch it compiles without problems.

I suspect that when you applied it manually you retained the line
referencing ‘local_data.margin_start’ which doesn’t exist in 3.10. You
can safely delete that line and it should compile.

The only thing the patch adds is the ‘if (local_store != null)’ check.
The code inside it is unchanged.

"folks-inspect" throws the same error about "Failed to find primary PersonaStore…", but perhaps that's 
because the only contacts I have so far on this machine are in 

Do I need to create a primary PersonaStore and, if so, how?

If you have a system address book in EDS, that *is* your primary
PersonaStore, and libfolks should be picking it up. You can’t create
folks PersonaStores manually: they’re automatically picked up from
various backends (such as EDS, one per address book; Telepathy, one per
IM account; etc.).

BTW, if I enter "folks-inspect" and then "backends eds" I end up in the "vi" editor, what exact commands 
should I enter?

Looks like you’ve set your PAGER environment variable to vi. Try:
    PAGER="less -FRSX" folks-inspect
and then the rest of the commands as before.


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