Re: Unique BonoboControl

A Qua, 2003-11-05 ās 19:20, Mikoyan escreveu:
> > 
> >   I think that what you mean by "control" is actually a simple
> > application that can have a single instance running.  Some examples of
> > other applications implementing the same thing are: rhythmbox,
> > gnome-terminal, galeon. 
> Well, I really meant a Control. Hmmmz, ok, I'm not sure if this is want
> i really want in the end, but in the meantime I've learned :-)
> Just imagine an object that outputs its data to a simple control. If
> another app has already activated such control (ie. embedded in its
> own), it just uses the already running activated control. If not , it 
> just creates its own window with control to sends its output to.
> (don't ask my why i think this is usefull :-))

  OK, I understand now.

> But ...
> >  This is sometimes called "Automation", because it allows a script to
> > control, through CORBA, a running application, like what is sometimes
> > achieved with a command-line interface (like the mailto: URI handler
> > command: evolution "%s").  Of course, CORBA is much more comfortable for
> > automation than CLI, especially through a scripting language like Python
> > or Perl. ;)
> (Interesting ... more apps should have this. Is someone pushing python+
> corba as the scripting heaven for gnome? Btw, when is gnome-python with
> this fix comming [];-))
> >   The effect is achieved in gnome-terminal by (see
> > gnome-terminal/src/terminal.c):
> > 	1. A .server file for the application is installed, indicating that the
> > server implements Bonobo::EventSource;
> > 	2. On application startup, a BonoboEventSource is created;
> > 	3. then, the server object is registered using
> > bonobo_activation_active_server_register;
> > 	4. if registration fails, it (usually) means that another application
> > instance is already running:
> > 		4a. get reference to running server
> > 		4b. send argc/argv to the running server
> > 		4c. exit process
> > 	5. process argc/argv
> The code was indeed usefull. I've something now that really works as I
> want it. Although, first creating a control, trying to register it, and
> if it fails destroying that control and getting a ref of the already
> running control is not what i call beautiful :-) But it looks cool
> though :-)
> For what is bonobo_activation_active_server_register normally used?
> (in the docs there is bonobo_activation_register_active_server, which
> has also another signature...)

   Yeah, bonobo_activation_active_server_register is deprecated.  It
calls bonobo_activation_register_active_server with a default
environment (the DISPLAY).

> >   And yes, the Bonobo Unique Application (GEP 12) intends to solve this
> > specific use case elegantly.
> Nice
> >   Regards.
> Many thanks to both of you.
> Steven
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>

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