Re: Bonobo Clipboard, try #1

ERDI Gergo wrote:

> On Tue, 22 May 2001, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
> > ERDI Gergo wrote:
> >
> > > What about Storages? Well, if your component can only store itself fully
> > > in a storage, it should serialize this storage into an EFS stream -- this
> > > should be implemented in the libbonobo storage providers I think (i.e. a
> > > Storage implementation should also be a PersistStream implementation).
> >
> > This sounds a bit clumsy - why cant we supports real Storages?
> OK, we could support storages in the clipboard server state-saving code
> (nevertheless, I still think the storage implementations should implement
> PersistStream, for other purposes), but there is no point in exporting
> storages from the clipboard because I can't think of a way for an
> application to handle the storage from another application without knowing
> anything about it (a mime type is a mime type is a mime type for streams,
> but a storage can contain anything).

Why cant we have a mime type for a storage?

> But in this case, how does the
> clipboard server determine how to save the full state of the data source?
> Should we assume that if PersistStorage is implemented, it is always
> better to use PStorage::save () for full state saving instead of
> PStream::save ()?

Why not?

- Dietmar

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