Re: Bonobo::Persist::getIID () (fwd)

On 26 Jun 2001 15:10:53 +0200, ERDI Gergo wrote:

> >         Either way, I'd prefer you to rename it to getMoniker, since I    
> > think that's a more useful and generic approach, that solves the naming   
> > issue conveniently too.
> I know your opinion on this. I am approximately halfway between getMoniker
> and getIID, leaning toward the latter. I'd like to hear the opinion of
> others on this list.

If it returns a Bonobo::Moniker, then it should be getMoniker.  If it
returns an IID...

I don't understand how a moniker would be very handy here. The utility
of monikers is in activation and direct access to interfaces and
sub-components, etc.. I don't see how that applies in this case.  The
purpose of this method is to determine how to activate a component which
can reload a stream/storage.  Sounds like an IID to me.


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