Re: OAF and XServiceInfo

Hi Maciej,

are you in vacation now? If so, so what ;-)

> No, I think you misunderstand what I meant by introspection. I just
> meant being able to get the object's OAF attributes (which are quite
> similar to the information provided by XServiceInfo), not reflection


> The CORBA specs that handle reflection/etc do so in a cross-language
> way. I know Java has a CORBA mapping. Does that not satisfy the
> requirements?

Not really, in that case, these components do not fit into a beans 
environment. This is always the damned conflict: On the one hand, we 
cannot go too far away from Java, on the other hand, what we would prefer 

> > But, anyway, I don't want to talk about runtime object queries right 
> > now. I think there are more important problems.
> Well, um, you brought it up.

AFAIK just due to another misunderstanding ;-)

> > That was my idea. I think it is possible to generate .oafinfo files from
> > service specs. The other way around is not possible, because service
> > specs contain a lot of words called "documentation" as well ;-)

> 1) oafinfo files can contain comments

Do you mean therse short single-line decriptions?

> 2) oafinfo files contain info which is not in service specs; at the
>    very least activation info for a particular implementation.

Yeah, but that is information which we do have in our component 
description files. "Components" mean IMPLEMENTATIONs. These, btw, are XML 
as well - but they do not really contain documentation which gets 
transformed into HTML for a reference manual.

> Perhaps it would be wise for me to read some service specs and for you
> to read some oafinfo files.

I did - Before I joined this discussion, I got the Bonobo stuff from the 
cvs server and skimmed through the idls as well as the oaf files. But 
you're right, you should take a look at our stuff as well ;-)

BTW: An example for one of our component description files you can find 


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