Re: More namespacing woe ...

Maciej Stachowiak <mjs eazel com> el día 29 Nov 2000 19:50:57 -0800, 
>But the main point here is about all those hundreds of thousands of
>people who will be writing their own applications if GNOME becomes a
>successful platform. I don't think having all of them on this mailing
>list scales.

this people can resolve this problem in the same way they resolve
file-level namespaces, for example, they will try to avoid naming
the executables 'nautilus' ...

but I think the main point of miguel is about _using_ the components,
for example in php (once bonobo get support) it will suck to do:

 $instance = bonobo("GNOME/Gnumeric:bd1e1862-92d7-4391-963e-37583f0daef3");

instead of

 $instance = new bonobo("GNOME/Gnumeric:1.0");

how M$ people do ? very simple, they do:

 $instance = new COM("word.application");

of course, s/php/<favorite-lang-prog>


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