Re: Namespacing issues ...

-> >         I don't want studlycapsification 'everywhere in GNOME' I want the
-> > same naming convention to be used across all of our _Idl_.
-> > went ahead with the change; whatever our personaly feelings about the
-> > change, consistancy is good.

-> So be consistent with previous practice and a lot of the IDL out there,
-> and leave things the way they are...

	It really boils down to the amount of IDL that is already out

	If it is a significantly large amount, then we should remain
backwards compatible.  However, if it's only a moderate amount, let's make
the IDL naming consistent while we still can.

	In short, does the advantage of consistency outweigh the work
necessary to fix all existing code?

	Perhaps you could come up with some kind of transition plan,
where all the old names will continue working for another year, but the
new, consistent names will also be accessible.  Then, in all the
documentation, refer to the new names and call the old ones "deprecated".

--Derek S.

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