Re: Namespacing issues ...

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Michael Meeks wrote:

>         I don't want studlycapsification 'everywhere in GNOME' I want the
> same naming convention to be used across all of our _Idl_. I dislike
> stdlycaps in normal C method names [ as previously discussed ad nauseum ],
> but consistancy across the component model is important. This was just
> pointing out that if you are doing a load of IDL related perl scripting
> anyway; now might be a good time =)
>         I assume this is why Maciej agreed to change the oaf IDL if Bonobo
> went ahead with the change; whatever our personaly feelings about the
> change, consistancy is good.

So be consistent with previous practice and a lot of the IDL out there,
and leave things the way they are...

Not going to let people break OAF interface compatibility for absolutely
no reason,
-- Elliot
"The Pythagorean Theorem employed 24 words, the Lord's Prayer has 66 words,
Archimedes Principle has 67 words, the 10 Commandments have 179 words, the
Gettysburg Address had 286 words, the Declaration of Independence, 1,300 words and
finally the European Commission's regulation on the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words."

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