Re: Bonobo requires a new toolbar widget.

On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 10:16:04AM -0500, Jacob Berkman wrote:
> Ettore Perazzoli <> writes:
> >     Maciej> 3) If overflow is going to happen, add another row to the
> >     Maciej> same toolbar to hold the extra widgets.
> > I don't think that this can be done with the current GTK+
> > request/allocate mechanism.  Can anybody prove me wrong?
> I believe there is a new hbox in gtk 1.4 which does this.  It might
> be in unstable GIMP as well.

yes, GtkWrapBox, originally in GLE.

Martijn van Beers  <>

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someone who has seen a lot of stuff that is odd. And I don't
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