Re: Bonobo dependencies ...

> > I have to tell you that it really sucks having worked on trying to
> > make MIME handling really well on GNOME only to get your work sneered
> > at and rejected by another part of the community.
>         I hope you didn't take my comments as sneering, I certainly
> did not intend them that way; I think the MIME code is nice, I was
> just confused about the difference ( if any ) between
> get_mime_type_for_buffer and the 'sniff' routines.

No, I didn't take these comments as sneering at all. I was addressing
Miguel's repeated assertion that somehow this whole thing is a non-issue
since the mime tables are "easily parsable" and duplicating the logic
that does it or using the old deprecated code is trivial.

I think your points are good, as I ponted out in my original reply to
your first mail, I was already planning on addressing them at some

Sorry if my point wasn't clear.


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