[gnome-screenshot] No activity on reported patch

Hey bug squad,

On the 9th of december, I opened a ticket[0] on gnome-screenshot's bugtracker. Whilst I understand that nine days is not long and that GNOME's developers are busy people contributing to several modules simultaneously, gnome-screenshot in particular does not look like it receives much attention.

Therefore I wanted to ask here what is the best way to go forward with my patch(es). If it is futile to contribute to gnome-screenshot I would rather contribute to another module, for example. By no means do I want this to come across as bugging so please excuse me if it does.

(I wasn't sure which mailing list was best to send this to; if another list is better please tell me)

Looking forward to your replies,


[0]: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=759265

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