Re: Fwd: Request for beta testers: Bugzilla and Trac plugins

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 07:53:33AM -0400, Andrew Conkling wrote:
> This message wasn't intended to discuss GNOME's Bugzilla but I brought that
> up. Apparently there has been some discussion about this, just wondering
> what it was and whether there'd be any chance of getting this (and I guess
> upgrading to Bugzilla 3).

I forgot the details of the GUADEC. In general:
* I don't like pushing bugreports as-is upstream. Filing a good
  bugreport takes work. You need to include only the relevant
  information. If that isn't done, then the amount of time it takes
  stays the same, except that it is now with the developer. That is
  really bad.
* Pushing comments back and forth automatically: I fear the same could
  happen. E.g. the 'why isn't this fixed'?

Regarding Bugzilla 3:
* lack of time
* want to push some things upstream that upstream doesn't want upstream
  (attachment statuses)

> Working both with Ubuntu's Launchpad and GNOME's Bugzilla, I can say that
> the current processes to relate bugs, to push them upstream, and just to
> manage them are quite tedious.

What do you mean exactly? Which parts?

> Olav, copying you as I hear you're the Bugzilla maintainer.

Bugzilla maintainer address is bugmaster gnome org  I prefer that so
past maintainers, inactive and future maintainers have all discussions

I looked at the patch for 3.2, and it includes a lot of changes that
shouldn't be in there. It basically removed a lot of documentation and
also changes some of the documentation (of Bugzilla). Did not check
further than that.


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