Re: Policy proposal: Dropping 2.16 reports

Am Samstag, den 15.09.2007, 19:42 -0500 schrieb Benjamin Gramlich:
> what about changing the development cycle to accommodate such long term 
> support distributions? You know, so that there's a long term support of 
> 2.16 and then 2.18 & 2.20 are supported for a shorter time. Then 2.22 
> would be another long term support release?

but what for?
i know gnome product developers that had to put their patches into their
2.14.x-long-term-support-version, the 2.18.x-current-stable and the
2.19.x-development branch. it was a huge workload.
gnome does NOT provide big enduser support. gnome users normally get
their distribution from a vendor, on a free or a contract basis. if that
vendor wants to provide long-term support to his customers, he can
always do, but that's not GNOME's task.

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