next question, wrt 125788

Next bug triage attempt...

Non-registered user has a bug he was able to reproduce without fail, and gives the steps he took to make said bug evince itself. However, no actual crash dump. I'm not actually sure, given the description, that a useful crash dump could have been gotten out of this anyway. What to do, what to do...

In any case, I think the bug is filed under the wrong module (desktop-file-utils) and should be filed under Totem, tho' I would want to verify that it was only after using totem that he could not eject the cdrom.

so, on this one I'd probably mark it as NEEDINFO, at least some more detail, and if he has to force a kill of a process or something, a crashdump would be helpful. Does that sound right?

And on a more general note, who/how/when are bugs considered part of Gnome, versus part of the distribution of OS that Gnome was released with?

And if I'm asking anything stupid, I hope someone will tell me and point me at more doc's!

-heather f

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