Re: trying to get started with pyatspi

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alejandro Piñeiro" <apinheiro igalia com>
To: gnome-accessibility-list gnome org
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 4:18:47 AM
Subject: Re: trying to get started with pyatspi

On 31/10/15 16:28, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
 I'm trying to enhance my speech recognition bridge (Windows speech
recognition bridged to Linux)  by adding some contextual awareness. I
have 2 needs, 1st is to know what application is running, 2nd is to
know if focus is on a text area (someplace you dictate plaintext in
addition to commands)[1]

 are there any examples or samples of the code I can use to accomplish
my goals?

Some time ago I have been gathering the tests I had on my machine on
this (informal) repository:

So, a example of how to list the running applications registered to
at-spi2 using pyatspi2:

my, there are a lot of applications that don't register. :-( 

I think I can work with an event based triggers. most of the community speech extensions to dragon are level 
triggered, not event.
There aren't any specific example for your second request. You could
take a look to the other examples on that repository, an pyatspi2, to
see if you can infer that. If you need more ellaborated code, you could
take a look to accerciser and orca code.

ok, I'll take a look at accerciser etc.  from the looks of the at-spi, it seems like there really has not 
been much attention payed to the needs of the speech recognition dependent.

--- eric

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