Re: 2010/01/06 07:00 UTC a11y weekly meeting


On 2011-01-07, at 11:50 , Joanmarie Diggs wrote:

> Hi Louis.
> On Thu, 2011-01-06 at 18:15 -0500, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>>> The agenda for the meeting is not yet written, but you could
>> certainly
>>> add FOSDEM [1].
>> Thanks. 
> I've gone ahead and added it as we had other things which needed to be
> added anyway.


> Should we plan on your being there (13 Jan at 15:00 UTC in
> #a11y-meeting)?

Yes.  But my presence will be fairly meaningless unless we—those of us invested in the devroom—are able to issue the accepted speakers' list (due by 10 January) to those accepted. I *am not the only person involved here* and *will not be attending fosdem*, afaik; I am simply helping to put together the devroom. 

> If not, and you'd like to provide some information or a
> list of questions in advance of the meeting, I'd be happy to go over
> them at the meeting.

Thanks, but for now, I'll try to make it. I'll also send out notices to this list of the upcoming deadlines we must meet. This is notice one…

> Thanks again. Take care.
> —joanie


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