Re: Trying to build orca & caribou

On 25 April 2011 00:09, Jason White <jason jasonjgw net> wrote:
> Jeremy Bicha <jeremy bicha net> wrote:
>> I have python-pyatspi2 installed; there is also python-pyatspi
>> available in the repositories but that's probably too old, right?
> No, unless you are trying to use the new AT-SPI 2 that uses DBus rather than
> Corba as its inter-process communication mechanism. This is still new and
> undergoing testing; I would suggest removing ATSPI 2 and using the older ATSPI
> instead, including python-pyatspi, unless testing AT-SPI 2 is part of your
> immediate plan.
> Note that AT-SPI 2 is required for Gnome 3, as is the Gnome 3 branch of Orca
> from Git.

I still get the same errors if I remove the at-spi2 packages & keep
the older atspi but   builds
at-spi2 anyway.

Jeremy Bicha

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