Issues about the Consorcio e-accessibility projects


Sanne is absolutely right that the other thread is for discussion about the preconference, so I'm answering the questions related to our project in this new thread.

Samuel Thibault:

> Yes, it's a separate tool but it depends on liblouis to do all the
> transcription.

|  How different is it from the "dots" application?

Dunno, because sincerely we didn't know of this application. I'll tell Onirica to have a look on it, so that they can re-use as much code as possible. This includes to take over the development of this application.

> easy addition of new tables

|  New liblouis tables?

Yes, for example for basque or galician, in case there are not any for them.

> and the ability to be called by to do on-the-fly
> transcriptions.

| That, however, is new, but it seems to me like something that would be
|  independant from the main tool.

We want it to be integrated.

|  I'm not saying your project is not good. I'm trying to make sure it
| integrates with existing solutions, and not re-do work that already
|  exists.

Of course your input is greatly appreciated and I hope Onirica will join this conversation so that you can suggest them new ways to improve this application, be it completely anew or further development of dots.

Matteo Vescosi:

Yes, WARP is planning to use pressage to do the text prediction.

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