Re: Fwd: ATK to AT-SPI Accessibility ?

On 五, 2007-06-08 at 18:43 +0530, Gautam Ravi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have gone through the GAIL's implementation of ATK for GTK+/gnome
> applications. It has the procedure to create accessible objects and it
> also defines the methods for all the components to make it
> accessible. 
> since libgail is dynamically loaded at run-time the applications
> memory has all the accessible objects present in it.
> My doubt is that how do the AT-SPI or Service Providers get hold of
> these accessible objects ? and how do they use the methods which are
> defined ?. 

Maybe you want to take a look at

We use CORBA to do IPC. When applications start, libgail and atkbridge
are loaded. As you said, libgail implements the accessibility objects.
And atkbridge does the communication work with at-spi-registryd.
> To be very specific , say if I want to make the screen reader read the
> properties of a component like entry-box's BG color, the length of the
> string in it,etc

It depends on whether the entry-box's accessibility object provides the
information. If you are talking about gtkentry, you can get it from
gailentry's atktext interface (get_run_attributes returns the BG and FG
color, get_text returns the text).


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