Re: Emulating a hardware synth (was:buying used hardware synth)

Lukas Loehrer, le Tue 02 Jan 2007 13:09:13 +0100, a écrit :
> Luke Yelavich writes ("Re: buying used hardware synth"):
> > I think you'll find that those of us who have hardware synths that work 
> > with speakup will guard them with our lives, even if we don't use them.
> > 
> > As many of these devices are getting older, they wear out. Havng more 
> > than one can be handy at times.
> Sorry to hijack the thread, butOn the topic of hardware speech
> synthesizers, I was wondering if there is a program that would allow
> one to use a second computer as a hardware synth. What I mean is: Say
> I had two machines A and B connected via a parallel cable. Now I want
> to install a distribution with a speakup enabled installation process
> on machine A, is there a program I can run on machine B that reads for
> example dectalk commands from the parallel or serial port an then uses
> a software synth to do the actual tts. Thus, machine B emulates a
> hardware synth in software.

Maybe speech dispatcher has a way to do this.


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