Re: Accessability Interfaces

Hi David, Steve:

I think there are two aspects to Steve's question. One aspect has to do with the exact API call syntax that the client uses to access AT-SPI, which I think is what you are referring to. The "raw" C CORBA bindings are a bit ugly (while the python ones are elegant) but don't actually require the client to add any CORBA-specific code. The second aspect of the question is the one I was addressing - whether the client needs to know much about CORBA details. That also depends a little on the client's programming language, but mostly the answer is "no", the only place where the AT-SPI client has to write any CORBA code is when it's implementing the AT-SPI "EventListener" interface which it passes to the AT-SPI Registry, via which the client receives event notifications from running applications.

best regards


David Bolter wrote:
Hi Steve,

The at-spi hides nasty stuff like CORBA behind an API. In early days we used the cspi bindings (for C), but we should all now use the normative C library libspi. I imagine you are most interested in python bindings -- which I haven't used (yet).

Note, gok hasn't migrated from cspi to libspi yet (blush).

GOK Maintainer

Steve Lee wrote:
Out of interest do assistive technologies (AT) get to use an API or library (similar to ATK for the server applications) or do they use direct CORBA calls?

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