Re: Gnopernicus and gnome-mag issues

Hi Henrik,

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 09:47 +0100, Henrik wrote: 
> Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues Diógenes wrote:
> > Gnopernicus say how the magnifier must behave, like how it must track
> > the mouse, cursor, the place of the target screen, cursor size, mag size
> > and others, i.e., it's add extra logic to the magnifier, making it more
> > suitable to the user.
> >   
> So ideally, I guess we should detect the users screen resolution and 
> even panel placements and base the placement coordinates on that. But at 
> this point I'd be happy to just assume a screen size like 1024x768 and 
> place it accordingly as an initial default. (People with a smaller 
> screen will have issues from that, but larger will be fine). Trouble is 
> we cant even get gnopernicus to pick up the default settings that are 
> given in the gconf schema file included with the package.

I don't have any guess why this occur, since if you start gnopernicus
and configure the target-screen placement to the lower half of the
screen close the application and restart it, the target-screen is put in
the lower half, so the gconf schema file is being reading. Maybe there
is some point in your gconf schema file that is missing. What do you
thing about copying an existing gnopernicus gconf schema file, modify it
accordingly your needs and using this one to the package, if you don't
do this yet ;-)

One think that I know is that gnopernicus use gconf like an IPC. So, one
think that come in my mind now, if you can write a program, realize that
this is an ugly hack, that launch gnopernicus and wait until it's
initialize the magnifier, the program could change the values used by
gnopernicus in gconf that represents the size/position of the
target-screen, so the gnopernicus application will behave like these
values were modified by the UI. This way have an advantage over the
problem that you comment above, because the program can take the target
screen size and calculate the right size to the target-screen, but this
is not how the thinks was project to work, so bugs (miss behavior) can
arrive. Other problem is that you must have someone to do this work.

> Any ideas?

I still think that this could work only changing the gconf schema file,
like you are doing, but this way you will be forced to use a default
screen resolution, I guess. You don't get any feedback from the
gnopernicus maintainer about this? If you get, please share with us.

> - Henrik
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Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues Diógenes

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