Re: FW: [g-a-devel] AT-SPI, focus leaving and window IDs

Here's a reply on this thread which was sent to me privately. I've deleted its
author's name, but have chosen to forward its text to the list because it's yet
another clear illustration of how easy it is to make assumptions. I'm sure that
many, if not most, who subscribe to this list already agree, but, for the
benefit of those who don't yet get it, the following is intended for
educational purposes. There are no excuses for limiting the functionality of
accessibility software, which primarily exists to make computing environments
as equally available to all as they already implicitly are to those who can
see, hear, and move all at the same time, just because it's easy, comfortable,
or convenient for those of us who are reasonly well off to assume that all of
our users have been equally blessed.

The following, in order to establish context, is in reference to my statement
that, in my personal situation, it's important to be able to use braille alone,
i.e. without concurrent speech, because my sound card is preoccupied doing
something else. Here's what was written to me:

>Hi, in the below case  what is needed is to be able to direct speech to one
>card while playing your radio with the other.  Can this be done? If not
>sounds like some thing to work on. 

Now, here's my response:

Another assumption. The computer under discussion only has one sound card in
it. So why don't I put second one into iT? It has no free slots. So why don't I
replace that card with one which has two channels?  With a family the size of
mine, i.e. nine children still at home, I have much more important things, i.e.
people, to spend my money on, and we're a single income family, i.e. my wife is
a lady who still rightly believes that the proper place for a mother is at home
raising her children. My whole point is that we shouldn't limit the design of
accessibility software just because we can comfortably assume that all of its
potential users have access to enough hardware and/or money, to ideal work
environments, etc. They don't.

Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | I believe that the Bible is the
Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario   | Word of God. Please contact me
EMail: dave mielke cc | Canada  K2A 1H7   | if you're concerned about Hell.                   |

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