Re: gnome-accessibility-list digest, Vol 1 #775 - 2 msgs

Aaron wrote:

Thanks for the docs at

If there is no broader meaning for sensitive, then perhaps it would be better for ATK to use an "inconsistent" state that applies to toggle buttons?
For backwards-compatibility reasons we have to live with INSENSITIVE in any case.
I agree that the semantics are somewhat unclear.  ATK does have 
STATE_INDETERMINATE now, to cover just such situations as a button which 
is neither-checked-nor-unchecked; this is a corner case of course, but 
it turns up surprisingly often.
As for SENSITIVE being misleading, one could say that the visuals are 
also misleading, since the usual meaning of a "greyed-out" element is 
"not enabled".  I believe that it is this subtlety which is driving the 
use of two separate states here.  Of the two, ENABLED is arguably the 
more important, and it's quite possible that AT-SPI/ATK clients which 
are currently testing the SENSITIVE state ought to just be testing 
ENABLED instead.


As I understand the docs, an inconsistent toggle button can still be pressed -- only the visual appearance is affected. So, in my opinion saying that it is "insensitive" is actually misleading. It still accepts clicks/keyboard action.
- Aaron

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